Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virtual Google Earth tour

Covering content from 6th grade Social Studies: Standard 4 - Students will understand current global issues and their rights and responsibilities in the interconnected world. Objective 3 - Determine human rights and responsibilities in the world.

I chose to write on this subject because I love being able to open the eyes of students to the wide world around them. Many students will not have left the US in their years thus far. I want to be able to instill an appreciation of different cultures. 

Pedagogy - I want to make this into an exploration of current world oppressions and allow students to realize that little is known of these circumstances around the world. So, I will have them do the exploration in pairs, so they can discuss the situations at each tour stop. They will then have a whole class discussion afterwards to share their discoveries and conclusions. 

Technology - We will use Google Earth to tour several different countries. At each stop there will be pictures, video, or a news article about the current situation. This will link each location to other media and exciting technology. 

LocationActivityGoogle Earth content
1. Middle East
Israel and the west bank
Pictures of the people and clashing cultures
 boundary lines between Israel and the West Bank illustrated 
3D images? Panoramics?
2. Ghana News Polygon
3. India  Caste system - personal account Polygon
3D images?
4. Iraq Kurds - video link to video

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